FRIDAY APRIL 11, 2025 5PM - 8PM

When: Friday, April 11, 2025

Where: St. Helen's Roman Catholic Church (Gym) - 1600 Rahway Avenue Westfield, NJ

Time: 5:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

All proceeds go to those working on the spiritual front lines! Our Father Alex Pinto Vocation Fund supports the following recipients; the Fransciscan Friars of The Renewal in Newark, their house of formation in Monticello, the Archdiocese of Newark's program for discernement & the Missionaries of Charity in Plainfield. Your continuing generosity has yielded fruit, as we can happily report 4 young men in various stages of pursuing their priestly vocations - including our brother Knight, Joseph Ventura of the Institute of Christ The King.

Click here to register


Checks can also be made payable to The Knights of Columbus #1711 attention; Shawn Mullen, 763 Carelton Rd, Westfield, 07090
